Tuesday, March 06, 2007

End the chill

Here is the summation to Lawrence Solomon's series on global warming skeptics. His conclusion? The science is far from settled, considerable doubt exists in several fields, the alarmism is both unwarranted and unsubstantiated by the data and the term "denier" should be removed from the lexicon of the debate. He also alludes to the fact that many of those he profiled had mixed reactions to his profile but did agree that their reluctance to obey IPCC edicts, pledge allegiance to the hype and alarmism and otherwise persist in asking pertinent questions, had exacted a personal cost and their ostracising within the climate community.

A new site with excellent precis of contrasting hypothesis for climate change is here. Also here is a nifty quiz to examine what people do and do not know about climate change.

Finally here is some commentary on the whole Al Gore and carbon off-sets hypocrisy and the funniest quote I've yet to find on the topic is here.

Its a good sign that climate change has finally become a topic for humour: perhaps we are finally ready to turn the corner as a society on the topic instead of treating it with the reverence reserved for a biblical sermon.